Install a complete MIDI package (RMCA) ...
Please read first the important information about the compatibility of the MIDI programs
with various computer types and Windows versions! Thank you!
A) If your computer system meets the requirements described there, please ...
1.) create the following directory structure on your computer: "C:\RMCA\addons"!
If it should be sufficient for you to use the Windows native MIDI Out port "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth" (which would actually not be recommended !) read on at point 3. The remarks under the next point 2 would then be irrelevant for you.
2.) Otherwise download the "KOR Soundfont" from the internet and save its *.sf2-file (KOR Soundfont - GM Complete 5.0.sf2) in the directory "C:\RMCA". Then download from the Internet the tool "VirtualMIDISynth" from CoolSoft and install it in the directory "C:\RMCA\addons". Now start the tool and configure it as follows: make it the default MIDI device and add the KOR soundfont you just downloaded to it. In the program's advanced options tab reduce the additional output buffer. Try to reduce it near to zero! Select the "KOR Soundfont" as the active font and read the further notes on the program. Then activate "VirtualMIDISynth"!
Attention: "VirtualMIDISynth" must always be started before RMCA Pro / Jam partner, so that the MIDI-program can recognize the special driver and "offer" it to you as MIDI out port! This can always be done e.g. with the following input command in the Windows command line (CMD): "C:\RMCA\addons\VirtualMIDISynth.exe" or by double clicking in the explorer on C:\RMCA\addons\VirtualMIDISynth.exe. Provided that the program paths have been taken over as indicated here, RMCA Pro can be started at the same time as the KOR Soundfont and VirtualMIDISynth and is then immediately "ready for use". For this purpose, fortunately, the following small startup program of only 20 kB can also be downloaded and saved in the same directory as "RMCA.exe" itself. It additionally contains helpful links to the website and the RMCA Pro help file.
Click here to download RMCAStart.exe
3.) Now Download and install RMCA Pro / Jam partner using the link at the top right into the directory "C:\RMCA". At the end of the installation, please use the offered option to install the existing styles. All styles should be extracted to the ...\RMCA\styles directory or appropriate subdirectories.
4.) After starting the program please open also the "MIDI" tab in the lower part of the main window. As "MIDI Out Port" select "VirtualMIDISynth" or another specified program e.g. "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth", if you do not have "VirtualMIDISynth" installed.
5.) In addition, please select from RMCA Pro's / Jam partner's main menu: Windows -> Global settings and there at the top right from the list the file "GM.RCI".
B) Various Styles ...
Now you can download and install another approx. 5500 styles - but you can only activate them if you are a registered program user! Simply click the following link and install all styles into the directory "...\RMCA\styles\various". Have fun!
Click here to download various styles
C) Important now are some playlists that you can download and install ...
These are the following lists (1. - 4.), which includes the entire current inventory of saved styles, except for the various styles, whose list you can download, save and extract separately in No. 5.
1. All-Styles.txt (- 2296)
2. Slow-Styles.txt (- 818)
3. Medium-Styles.txt (- 1265)
4. Fast-Styles.txt (- 1141)
5. Various-Styles.txt (- 5500)
You can make further specifications and restrictions directly in the Style-Manager of the program.
Click here to download the playlists no. 1 up to no. 4