The following MIDI Auto-Accompaniment Systems ...
- RMCA Realtime MIDI Chord Arranger Pro (RMCA Pro)
- Jam partner (J.P.)
- MIDI Auto-Accompaniment Section (MAAS)
are music programs for Windows®. All are full-featured stylebased MIDI
accompaniment automats with which songs can be arranged in real time.
Click hereto learn more about details and features.
In order to get a quick impression of the possibilities offered by RMCA Pro and Jam Partner, it is recommended to listen to the instrumental medley No. 4 at first and then switch to the "Clips page" with the help of the button below or above and watch the video clips provided on this page as well as to listen to the audio clips No. 1 to No. 3 there and
especially to my own playlist.
Click hereto get those impression of RCS Styles and watch up to 5 demonstrative videos about RMCA Pro.
Click hereto listen to a set of own guitar instrumental tracks, mostly created with RMCA Pro.
Click herefor playlists and tracks.
Click hereto launch the website "topsection.com" with information, links and examples of my own music files.
Click hereif you would like to see how to order easyly an XDigits MIDI Auto-Accompaniment System,
after you have extensively tested its DEMO version.
RMCA Pro offers all available functions, while J.P. and MAAS are limited to certain uses according to their different possibilities. Songs can be recorded in real time, using the computer keyboard, a virtual keyboard, chord pads or an external MIDI controller, and can be reproduced with hundreds of free downloadable different RCS styles. RMCA Pro and Jam partner also support styles for YAMAHA® arranger keyboards. Tens of thousands of those styles are available on internet for free download. - Learn more ...
Moreover RMCA Pro and Jam partner offer a chord progressions random generator. Depending on various options it randomly chooses matching chords from specific chord groups or many common chord progressions and generates via one mouse-click complete songs from any number of measures with variations and fills. This makes the two programs ideal jamming tools and helps to practice GUITAR or BASS in each key with a backing band and countless unique backing tracks, "composed on the fly". Automatic song creation provides incomparable background music for hours!
An external MIDI keyboard isn't needed!
The DEMO versions of the programs have no time limit and generally have all the functions of the registered versions except for the saving capabilities, some special functions and the fact that only the about 35 included demo styles, several hundred downloadable so-called "1-part styles" and (- not with regard to MAAS -) styles for YAMAHA® arranger keyboards can be processed (but always only for a limited time).
All in all the MIDI programs are for you if you would like to turn
your computer into an "Entertainer Keyboard" and to ...
- make professional music with your computer or a simple MIDI controller actively ? - (Audio & video clips)
- let a software "compose" tasteful tracks for practicing, video clips or presentations (RMCA Pro, Jam partner) ?
- use a chord progressions random generator with many options to get musical ideas (RMCA Pro, Jam partner) ?
- practice guitar or bass and be accompanied by a backing band with countless songs (RMCA Pro, Jam partner) ?
- process tens of thousands of additional high-quality styles ? (RMCA Pro, Jam partner) - Learn more ...
- create your own styles from MIDI files or virtually any MIDI input (RMCA Pro) ?
- turn your MIDI controller or your computer into a full-featured MIDI arranger keyboard ?
- use an alternate MIDI auto-accompaniment with 16 "fingered" and 10 "two-finger" chord types ?
- use an auto-accompaniment for less than US$ 7.00 (only MAAS) ?
Download Manager for XDigits MIDI software and other recommended programs ...
Instead of using the download links at the top right it's also very comfortable to use the "XDigits Donwload Manager" to install, update and test the MIDI programs, as well as to delete them without leaving any traces. The manager (a single executable file of only about 340 KB) can be installed into any existing directory of your hard disk or USB stick and started from the desktop or by double-clicking. If desired, the manager can also delete himself from the system at any time.
How to use it: Simply select a software product and determine the installation path, whereby you should use the recommended paths, so that you can also execute the programs in the future without additional effort or remove them completely. That's all.
Download manager as .exe file Download manager as .zip file
If you want to check the "XDigits Download Manager" for viruses first, please copy this link
and paste it into the URL line of the virus checker.
With the help of the "XDigits Download Manager", the following programs in particular can be installed: